Thursday, January 13, 2011

Questionable Exploits 1-3: Kick Off


I am embarking a few different things this year with the idea of becoming a vastly more poised, insightful, and inspiring person. Or maybe not. And I know this blog looks pretty lame compared to others but I'm just getting started - one day it will be bedazzling. After a ridiculously long hiatus from running, I'm in week 2 of my marathon training for the Pittsburgh Marathon which I will likely whinge on and on about here. I also want to cultivate my interest in opera - I am not planning on schooling myself into becoming a scholar but rather taking time to explore the greats, develop my own tastes, and learn more about the art form. A third exploit was to also become a wine connoisseur - drink it like the proper adult I am.  But that exploit may not go so well with the first so...the 3rd exploit is becoming a Philadelphia expert. You know, one of those people who seems to know everything about the city, its history...not unlike those old codgers living in Fitler Square who have seen the changes over time, spent 35K for their house way back when, and so on. I'm new to Philly and it's about time I bonded with the city.

Despite this shameless self-indulgence, I hope this blog will keep me on course and invite thoughts from others with similar (or completely unrelated) interests. Must now run...literally.  Time to kick out 5 miles in freezing cold weather. Brynhildr, give me guts!

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